Monday, January 25, 2010

suhail's birthday


siap dh. waiting for tasha

a chinese guy dtg.scared me to death!! luckly after a minute or 2, azim come.

tash came and we bertolak to DP.

dh smpai DP bt someone's missing. the BIRTHDAY BOY! got a called from him, saying yg he's changing his tiub tayar motor. hope he's fine.

the birthday boy arrive as we were sitting by the kolam ikan 'besar punya'! the fun begin!

select a movie, 'The Tooth Fairy' and tash paid for azim first while he's away. i wonder if he had paid tash yet. ahaha

while waiting our movie to start at 12.45pm, maen2 di playground jap. watching this chinese boy drifting OMG so cool!! tash pick a 'car' next to suhail's and she's damn good meh !! then, releasing-anger moment. pukul2 that thing and azim is so strong !!

walking into the panggung. no one else in there !! first time sak !! the seat, ok laa.
seriously freaking-funny la the story! we were laughing so much!

got a message from hakiim said that he'll be there as soon as the movie ended.

the movie ended. got separated from suhail and azim. when meet them, suhail is damn bengang. something happen about his motor and the parking-man. takut sak! he's trembling and angry.
soon after that, hakiim come. we sing happy birthday to suhail as he receive his first price! from hakiim la.

sitting mkn at food court. got a message from azham. 'say hi to everybody.'soon go to chillin (cmni ke eja?) stall, mkn2 ayam yg 'besar punya'! tash gave each one of us, a black gelang. so cute!

finding our way to the padang kt atas. got ourself pusing2 the whole DP meh!

sampai atas padang and some akk promoter kejar kami told us to dance poco-poco. and she suddenly called suhail, 'darling'. my gosh.

tash's father ringing the phone but we don't want to go home just yet! picture time!

going home.

p/s: sorry for the mistaken time and data. kind of lupa sikit2.

Happy 18th birthday to Muhammad Suhail b. Ridhuan

there they are

regards, Qila