Monday, April 12, 2010

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

the historical story ;)

historical la sgt kannn ;)
(act nk buat ths post cz kak alynn n abg buat, so fara nyemak je la ikut korang. jgn mrh yep :D)

ok dear audience (readers)
sit back, relex and stay tune ;))

mula, start blajar di Tadika Kemas, Ujong Pasir, Melaka. lama la jgk kt situ. about 2 years. ingt lagi dulu2 kann, i teringin nk rmbut pnjang. i ada la sorang kwn ni, her hair pnjang sgt! i think lepas paras punggung kott. CHANTEK. my mum tk bg kumpul rmbut pnjang2 tht time. one of the main reason bcz, mse kecik2 i ni bkn la sorang yg kemas sgt. selekeh jek. sekarang punnn ;D .. office ayah just across the road jep. so blk sndri la after class. duduk kt office ayh, kdg2 smpai petang. my lunch mse tu, tak da lain, ROTI COKLAT GARDINIER yg harga 50sen dulu tu. skrng dh naek 60sen kott. sedap heh roti tuh! dh lama tk mkn lg ;'((

ok back to topic, after tht, i officially finish my primary school at....

SK (P) DURIAN DAUN. sekolah ni khas for girls je ok! seingat i, kt sini i remain invisible. my friend, miera basiran, since dia pindah ;'((.. but ofcz, drjah 6, i kembali bangkit ;). ingt lg, mse tu, my class kt hujung blok A (skola tu bkn byk sgt blok punn), nk pegi klas i, kne lalu klas bdk2 kecik drjah 1. tiap kali lalu, semua2 jerit, "kak Qila!" even ada ckgu dlm kelass. MALU i! tp bangga pn ade jugakk ;DD. dulu2 my mum used to work kt smktpm, tht is, just a stone throw away from there (berperibahasa la pulakk), so after school mmg jln kaki sendiri pegi skola mak. gitu laa.. tade citer lg..

my teenage life ( 3teen-6teen) dihbs kn di .....
SMK TINGGI (P) MELAKA.. ni punn skola girls~ haha.. byk gile kenangan kt sini. miss ths place. ohh ye, the reason i put, i skola sini until 16 je cz birthday i kn bln dec. so, after spm, after sain surat brenti (chewahh ;)) bru i msuk 17. so dont mind la yepp ;D! em, i act rncang2 nk remain invisible jgk kt sini. tp i dpt pulak jd prefect. so prefect mne bole invisible btul takk?! form 1, bole laa. i tk gemar sgt mse ni, so tk yah citer okie darl ;). form 2, i msuk klas first. dr 2nd naek 1st. act, bfore tht, i dh merayu-rayu kt ckgu tu, tolong la stay kn i kt klas 2nd! puhhlesshhh!! tp dia tk bg ;'( sob..sobbb.. the reason, sbb kt klas 1st ni, tk byk kwn laa. i ni mna bole hdup tade kwn! ingt lg, form tu, i duduk kt hujung penjuru blakang klass dgn mira ziqa. she's a good friend and was extremely popular! OMG! teruk la time form 2 nih. Haishhh! form 3 pulak, dh makin rapat with my friend. ada la sorang girl ni. i baru mula rapat dgn dia time form 3 ni la, Sarah J. but org dh ckp, "ehh, korang ni sekepala ekk". ;)). i rase la, dia ni mcm klon i kott. sbb semua yg i minat n suka, dia pun same! cume just 1 thng yg kteorg asek gado2 kn. PM kite! she minat dgn PM kte pak lah. tht time 2007 kn, pak lah ambil pucuk kepimpinan. so i minat Dr Mahathir.ngee.. sygg dia laa! tp tk lama jep pastu, form 4 dia pindah. she got into SBP Sains Muar. :((. form 4, i got geng pulak. rest of my year, ddk sblh this 'menara' (cz she is very veryy tall!) Zabedah yuny. dia ni, mmg suka cri gado. (bkn dia je, i punn) ;). tp ok laa. dia kwn baik i mse form 4. Bedah,Aida,Tika,Syida. form 5 pulakk, Tash n farhana msuk blk smktpm. GEMBIRA i sakk!! geng kteorg dh tambah arhh! plg tk suke time form 5 ni, byk keje i kena buat. i kan prefect, secretary plak tuu. tp i ni pmls nk mampuihh wat keje. besides, secretary 1 dh ckup hebat! sekali pdn muka i, kena la pulak mrh ngn ckgu ni. adehh.. ckp psl kena mrh, i ni act, naib-president PPIM. tp i tk pernahh buat kejaa!! bkn i tknk, tp ckgu tu laa, pape hal bkn pggl i, pggl org lain. mana la i tau nk kena buat ape2 ke. aduihh! sekali dh kena mrh. apa2 je la. i tk heran sgt punn. ;). lagi2, form 5 ni jgk la, i buat keja gila. tk pernah2 ada adk angkat, tiba2 form 5 i ada sorang adk angkat, NorIzzatty Izhar (dia cukup mrh kalau2 i spell nme dia slh) dia ni tk pdn 'adk'. bdn n ketinggian dia lebih besar dr i! TIDAKK!! and dia ni feymes arhh, susah nk nmpk dia alone. mulut susa tutup bdk ni. asek nk citer jerr. tp bgs la jugakk, i ni pn bkn ada benda sgt nk citer. ;). byk lg la kesah kt sini, tp mls arhh nk citer. mostly pun dh lupa. :D

ehh, jap2. ni je la skola i


adehh, tak bole la nk tulis byk2.

tak pe laa. nanti2 i tell u more2 story okie!

MySpace bye2

Monday, January 25, 2010

suhail's birthday


siap dh. waiting for tasha

a chinese guy dtg.scared me to death!! luckly after a minute or 2, azim come.

tash came and we bertolak to DP.

dh smpai DP bt someone's missing. the BIRTHDAY BOY! got a called from him, saying yg he's changing his tiub tayar motor. hope he's fine.

the birthday boy arrive as we were sitting by the kolam ikan 'besar punya'! the fun begin!

select a movie, 'The Tooth Fairy' and tash paid for azim first while he's away. i wonder if he had paid tash yet. ahaha

while waiting our movie to start at 12.45pm, maen2 di playground jap. watching this chinese boy drifting OMG so cool!! tash pick a 'car' next to suhail's and she's damn good meh !! then, releasing-anger moment. pukul2 that thing and azim is so strong !!

walking into the panggung. no one else in there !! first time sak !! the seat, ok laa.
seriously freaking-funny la the story! we were laughing so much!

got a message from hakiim said that he'll be there as soon as the movie ended.

the movie ended. got separated from suhail and azim. when meet them, suhail is damn bengang. something happen about his motor and the parking-man. takut sak! he's trembling and angry.
soon after that, hakiim come. we sing happy birthday to suhail as he receive his first price! from hakiim la.

sitting mkn at food court. got a message from azham. 'say hi to everybody.'soon go to chillin (cmni ke eja?) stall, mkn2 ayam yg 'besar punya'! tash gave each one of us, a black gelang. so cute!

finding our way to the padang kt atas. got ourself pusing2 the whole DP meh!

sampai atas padang and some akk promoter kejar kami told us to dance poco-poco. and she suddenly called suhail, 'darling'. my gosh.

tash's father ringing the phone but we don't want to go home just yet! picture time!

going home.

p/s: sorry for the mistaken time and data. kind of lupa sikit2.

Happy 18th birthday to Muhammad Suhail b. Ridhuan

there they are

regards, Qila